Friday, August 21, 2009

What is your position on pornography? It is legally protected expression. Would you limit the protection?

According to me pornography was a form of the art expression that many people were wrong meaning. in fact pornography was an appreciation of art with the high value because of using the body organ that in created by GOD. we must as humankind appreciate what has in created by GOD. but gradually pornography in was wrong to use some crowds that made pornography to was banned.I will not restrict the protection for pornography but rather selective to receive and saw from the aspect of art


  1. im agree with those statement. pornography is not something that must be hated because we know, some of artist says naked man/woman is the part of art. but now, we see that art is misused. i mean people don't use that art on its way, even that art/pornography just uses for naughtiness and not uses for art that artist want.
    so, my opinion is we don't need to have protection.why?? because imagine if we do limit to all adult content. what will happen to the people? i think people will do something that more dangerous than watching pornography. then my other reason is lets say we are still a child, then what will we do when we are curious in something? first, we search and try to find something about that. secondly , if we don't find it, we search it in everywhere until we get it or the bad thing that very dangerous is we try to find it by ourself.
    then the last reason is we can see now around the world, especially in internet. adult site has its protection, but everybody attempts to see although there is a notice that must be 18 or 21 years old, but in fact children enter that site. that's why i dont agree if i limit the protection. it is useless and make it worse

  2. Mohammad Ismail

    Yeah, I agree with Baranunu. Because pornography is not totally is illegal
    because sometimes people want to show you the
    beautiful using the part of the body in created by GOD. But sometimes people
    have the different meaning to using that pornography for the necessity personal.
    So i think the people could be teach the children about the pornography for the
    positive and negative effect about pornography. Why?, because usually
    many children dont know about it, so many negative aspect in the effect of children. So, I will
    not protection the pornography but i want evaluate the positive aspect about pornography.

  3. Well, you two agree with the statement? are you two agree because you can see or watch the pornography freely and use pornography as a stress relief (there's many other stress relief than pornography out there guys) or just for a 'fun' (game is better than pornography :) ) thing? Well, my opinion is a 'so-so', i agree with the art part but for me, not all pornography is a part of an art, for instance a naked woman in a that an art? it just a woman without a cloth on her body and no value of art at all, different with naked woman that trying to show something different like painting over the body that trying to combine between the body figure and the painting it self, so there must be a restriction and filtering act over the pornography contents, then we can divide which one is an art and which one is a pure pornography.

  4. Muhamad Hilman Muhamad

    Haha, i didn't know the topic was on pornography. But to me pornography is divided into two, first the art part (drawings,photography,etc.) and the other one is video of people undergoing sexual intercourse. The art part are like nude pictures, mostly drawn or photographed they are ok, because those are arts, the appreciation of a human body, although it's wrong but those who want to learn are an exceptional, learning the form of a female body, that can be interpreted into another form of art. There are some nude pictures contain good quality of art but some just down right corny, so choose wisely, heh.

    The video part on the other hand, to me, doesn't do any good to the people. People watch them not because they have no other way to release, but because they know there are something like that on the internet. For kids to go on the internet and search for those stuffs is because they saw or heard something suggestive somewhere before. For example, they watched a television show and suddenly they saw some sexual things and then they get exited and they want to find more about those things they saw on tv or heard from their friends, that's why.

    to me, pornography in art should not be harmed, but sex videos should be banned, you said that people might do something bad if there's no porno on the internet to release, but come to think of it, the more you watched the more you want it. If you say, someone raped somebody because they want to feel the excitement, but from where does this thought came from? of course they are suggested from these sex videos. Sex Videos should not reach the internet, it is destroying our culture and people of the world, once you get in, it's hard to get out.

  5. Yohanes Danny Kristianto Sugih Putra

    well, as we know we always connect pornography with art. my opinion is, art has own point of view telling about art. and we don't have to worriy about art. Basically, i agree with hilman when he explains about art. now telling about pornography, what i want to explain is everybody has been known about that even little children. that's because of internet or other mass media. so, would you limit the protection? my answer is "no", because everybody has been infected. for example the game like this .how do parents know there is game like this? and how do children or gamers avoid this ?so.. my opinion is we don't need to protect all of this because the best protection comes from the parent and our self.
