Friday, August 14, 2009

Games under attack: Addiction and Violence

games contained violence indigo really was not good for his player and very damaging that player. addiction was a matter that most in regretted in the this problem. a player will feel the matter to be available in the game and his impact really will not be good for his future later.



    Yeah i agree, video games nowadays are overpowered by violence which eventually led to addiction. There was a time where video games was all fun and nice but now, games have to be violent, full with gore or even horror just to be considered as a great game. Now, most of the video game market are based on violence oriented games, such as shooting, killing, stealing, vandalisme and many more.
    Those who played video games are from all sort of people, young and old but the problem is most of the games are made for the adult not the youngsters. Most youngsters who played games tend to learn bad language and swearing, don't trust me? try going to internet cafes around KL, you will find these kind of peoples.

    Violence in video games led to addiction, where in video games, you can do bad stuffs and you are not the one to blame, who wouldn't want that? Shooting people in the head and getting away easily, haha, the point is video games are doomed from the beginning, nobody can stop it now.


    Yeah, I do agree with hilman but not all games are violent.

    There are many types of games that being produced nowadays. Not all games contribute to violent and addiction. We must know that most of the games have their own E.S.R.B ratings such as E rating means for everyone can play, T for teenagers etc.

    Usually it depends on user's rationality and parental guidance. Even I as gamers, also addicted and play many type of games but I manage my time properly and choose what games that I want to play. I also treat the games as a media that can increase my creativity. For young kids, parent must know what type of games that they playing whether it's suitable for kids or not according to ESRB ratings.

    For more information about ESRB, here's the link;


    To Rasydan, yeah there are games for designated ages, but most of the games that have E or T also got violence in it, in a way that seems innocent. For example, Lego games such as lego star wars, lego batman and lego indiana jones, yeah i tried those games although it is rated E, but in the game, you get to hit people in these cases 'lego' people and then they eventually die, when they die, they explode and you can get points or money out of them, doesn't that seems familiar from other violent based games.

    The point is, video games need violence to survive, i know there are games based on sports and other things but they are not popular as violent games. For instance, retro games such as mario, you stomp on something to kill it or in any other way, you have to 'kill' to advance, that's the objective there will be no games where you can do something nice...oh yeah there are barbie games, but who cares about barbie! As i said before, taking out violence from games is like taking away a game's soul, haha..nothing can be done untill someone can come up with a good idea in the future where all games are good, fun and clean.


    Yeah, they seems violent but we must consider the way they deliver to the users. Like hilman said, Lego games, for me that type of games didn't have any single gore or violence. There is no blood or gore when we eliminate the enemies and it isn't real. So we still can interpret that this is just a game. If we compare for example GTA, it's totally different. It's nearly to realism. Where there's police, drugs, etc. This type of game can make the players cannot differentiate between games and reality.

  5. well, uhhh...i agree with Hilman statement that violence are almost in every games to make it more attractive to people. As he said before just like Lego game, even it's not as real as the other games (cartoonic graphic and contains no blood) I consider it as a violence game because in order to beat this Lego games the player need to kill the others to gain a money or better equipment to continue the game progress which is by exploding them, and exploding is one of a violence action just like when you bombing a building. Even though there's no gore or blood (From Rasydan statement) it's still a violence, because we can't just say that is not a violence cause of no blood and gore on it, violence is not only a blood and gore... it's more than that!

    One thing from me that ESRB thingy is not so effective to filterize the game contents, it just a fake label to bypass government eyes from selecting a good games for their people. Is it labeled AO (dedicated for adult people only because its contains more violence or even a sex scene that is not suitable for the people who's not mature yet),M (for 17+ years old people), or T they still contains a violence on it but with different level of violence and yet they are still a violence.


    Viqo, my point is the way they deliver the content of violence. Lego game isn't that real if we compare to GTA. If I'm not mistaken, there's no issue for Lego game but for GTA, there are so many issues and news that people "copycat violence".

    What most important here is parental guidance. Parents must know what type of game their children are playing and must carefully choose suitable games for their children age.

  7. well, my opinion is..
    game must have some attraction inside it, but yet we all see know that the attraction that we get is some violence. for example in the popular game we know is GTA. GTA has many violance, adult content, and other criminal. it is not only GTA, we have Manhunt 2, punisher, etc.
    if we look from the publisher, we know that publisher only want to get high quality from gamers. now, if we wanna see from the gamers' point of view, they need something like real world in game. and if the game that the publisher wants to release is action they cant avoid blood pr their game will not be good one. Then the weakness is publisher doesn't calculate how many children or gamers have been affected by it.
    the way to solve this problem is government must be very careful to give permission to publisher releasing adult game. or the other solution is game has violence and adult content must be sold to adult people, so it can avoid children making criminal.
    and the last is publisher must know, that quality is not from the violence and adult content , we can change to add good effect or different gameplay to reach good quality.

    Yohanes Danny Kristianto Sugih Putra
