Friday, July 31, 2009

"Rumors, lies and innuendo spread far, wide and fast on the Internet." found in your textbook: Chapter 10, page 280 of Introduction to Mass Communicat

well, we have many rumors and crazy news in internet, like hoax and so on.
in that case, we must be carefull. we even dont know which the real news and the fake news. we must filter it and dont too believe internet we can see, we can make news freely in internet, nobody guard us. children , old man, teen, everybody can make news in internet.


  1. Yohanes Danny Kristianto Sugih Putra /1081105888

    yes, i agree with this.. my addition comment from me, we find many hoax in internet for example about michael jackson, some news tell that he has died 20 years ago like that. that news can make influence to other people. so we can see, what media can influence people. it proves that media has the main role in the world

  2. Mohd Rasydan B. Naim / 1081108401

    From the comic strip, we know that any information can spread really fast via internet. I also agree with Baranunu, we must be careful and try not to fully believe from the internet. In my point of view, rumors, lies and innuendo happened a long long time ago before the internet was invented. The difference is that nowadays it spread fast and unfiltered.

  3. Muhamad Hilman Bin Muhamad 1081107953

    Yeah, i do agree with both of you, Internet is the best way for people to spread rumours and lies. In addition to that, the internet is used because it's easy, typed it, click and now you got yourself a story. From the reliability of the internet, where information can be easily gathered, people for sure will take advantage on this, where they know people used the internet to gather information, so they spread some rumours and for sure someone will get to that information and then it will keep on spreading.

    It's hard to get reliable information on the internet nowadays. There are so many information but it is very hard to trust any of them, so if we need to gather information, find information from all over the web, don't just straight away trust the first site recommendation, compare them and ask other people that you trust just to confirm that it is true.

    Don't spread and trust rumours!

  4. I agree with the statement there, everything on the internet can be the fake one, even the news that from the trustful site can be the fake one, so we need to be more careful when we talk about media over the internet because anyone can alter it freely even the baby that don't know what the world is can create a news over the internet (if they can type the keyboard :P)

  5. Mohammad Ismail 1071118534

    Yes, i also agree with baranunu, because i seen many time the hoax in internet. And we must be careful to believe some information or news from internet. But we can filter from the
    trusted website like NBC, TIME, etc. So, we can't influence if you can be careful.

  6. Agree with you all, nowadays Internet cant be trustful friends anymore, even on our Facebook page we can do many fake things freely there for example our photo, news, etc.
    So for avoid this we don't just look at one page, we need more page to look up before we assume that things on the internet is the real one.

  7. Thank you and now people can become wise about rumors,lies,and innuendo. Unreliable information has the potential to destroy. I had websites deleted with explanations without merit. The purpose of my sites was to convey verifiable information about me. So be careful and always sift information.
